48-year-old man eats tomatoes every day for a year, returns for check-up, doctors shocked by results

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After being warned by the doctor that his blood pressure was alarmingly high, Than started eating tomatoes every day. The results surprised everyone.

A 48-year-old man from Guangdong Province, China, although not yet 50 years old, many of his health indicators are already at a dangerous level, especially his high blood pressure, which the doctor seriously warned him about. The doctor advised him to maintain good eating habits, avoiding consuming a lot of meat and increasing his intake of vegetables and fruits.

48-year-old man eats tomatoes

Around this time, his relatives from the province sent a lot of tomatoes to the family, so he started eating tomatoes every day. At first, he didn’t feel good about it, but later he started to like food made from tomatoes.

His complexion began to glow and he looked more lively. At his last checkup, the doctor was surprised at the changes in his body. His health index returned to normal and his blood pressure remained stable. After learning that he ate tomatoes every day, the doctor agreed that this was a fruit that should be eaten regularly to strengthen the body.

Some people may wonder why eating tomatoes can give them so many benefits. In fact, the role of tomatoes has been widely recognized in the scientific community. Scientific studies have shown that eating tomatoes has many health benefits.

  • Eating one tomato a day can reduce your risk of high blood pressure by 36%.

Researchers from the University of Barcelona (Spain) previously published a study on the relationship between tomato consumption and blood pressure in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

They divided the participants into three groups based on their blood pressure levels and followed them for a long time. They found that consuming more tomatoes reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, meaning a lower risk of hypertension.

In particular, in patients with stage 1 hypertension. The more tomatoes they ate, the more significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure were observed.

A team of researchers from Sun Yat-sen University published a related study in the Journal of Nutrients. They looked at the daily tomato consumption of 11,460 adults without hypertension and found that eating 10–13 grams of tomatoes per day was associated with a reduced risk of developing new hypertension.

  • Eating one tomato a day can help prevent 4 types of cancer.

Nutritionist Dr. Thiet Tan Tam (working in Guangdong Province, China) said that one tomato provides 14%-28% of the body’s daily vitamin C requirement. Tomatoes can be eaten raw without cooking, which reduces the loss of vitamins during the cooking process.

In addition, tomatoes also contain potassium, carotene and lycopene and are low in calories, do not cause weight gain. In particular, 100 grams of tomatoes contain 2,573 milligrams of lycopene, which is a substance that is effective in resisting free radicals and helps reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Such as breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer.

Related data was published in Cancer Biomarkers and Prevention that those who regularly ate tomatoes had a 37% reduced risk of liver cancer compared to those who did not eat them regularly. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes contain vitamins and minerals that boost immunity and reduce the risk of cancer. However, despite their benefits in preventing cancer, they cannot cure cancer.

Should I eat tomatoes fresh or cooked?

Some people like to eat fresh tomatoes like a fruit, but some people think that they should be cooked. Actually, it is up to you to choose. Eating fresh tomatoes gives a fresh taste, helps you feel full and reduces the intake of other carbohydrates, which helps in weight loss.

Eating cooked tomatoes makes it easier for the ufabet https://ufabet999.app body to absorb lycopene. In addition, tomato sauce contains glutamic acid, which is very good for the brain.

Precautions for eating tomatoes

  1. Tomatoes with black spots

If you find black spots or rotten marks on the tomato skin, be careful because it may be caused by toxic mold. It should not be eaten even if the rotten part has been cut off.

  1. Raw tomatoes

Raw tomatoes are high in solanine, which can cause nausea if eaten in excess.

Tomatoes should be checked for health before consumption to avoid risks, and if allergic or have digestive or kidney problems. They should be consumed less or consult a medical professional.